Yoh 15: 12; 13: 35"Inilah perintah-Ku, yaitu supaya kamu saling mengasihi, seperti Aku mengasihi kamu. Dengan demikian semua orang akan tahu, bahwa kamu adalah murid-murid-Ku, yaitu jikalau kamu saling mengasihi."
Kasih adalah ajaran inti yang diberitakan oleh Alkitab kepada setiap orang. Kasih itu adalah berasal dari Allah, dan Allah itu adalah kasih adanya. Kasih Allah telah dinyatakan kepada kita umat manusia, dan Ia berkehendak agar kita membagikan kasih itu kepada semua orang. Ada satu lagu yang liriknya berbunyi demikian : "Kasih tak sekedar kata-kata semata, Ia nyata dalam perbuatan sehari-hari, oh... oh, Kasih lebih dari s'gala ilmu dan harta, ia menolong mereka yang lemah dan tak berdaya..." lirik lagu ini sepertinya didasarkan pada perkataan Yesus di atas.
Pada suatu hari minggu, saya mengikuti satu ibadah yang diselengarakan khusus untuk orang-orang muda. Seperti biasanya dalam ibadah-ibadah raya pada umumnya, setelah selesai acara menaikkan puji-pujian kepada Tuhan, kemudian ibadah itu diisi dengan sesi pemberitaan firman Tuhan. Namun pada sesi kali ini lain dari biasanya. Kali ini tidak ada mimbar yang biasanya dipakai oleh hamba Tuhan untuk berkhotbah. Mimbar itu digantikan oleh sebuah meja yang tinggi. Tiba-tiba pemimpin ibadah tersebut mengatakan: "Kita akan mendengar kesaksian dari ibu Louisa, seorang penyandang cacat. Namun keadaan tubuhnya yang cacat tidak menghalanginya untuk tetap eksis dalam menjalani hidupnya." Setelah itu, ibu Louisa digendong oleh mamahnya ke atas meja. Ia sangat pendek, tingginya hanya sekitar 70 cm, dan kakinya cacat. Melihat kondisi tubuhnya yang sangat terbatas dan lemah, kebanyakan orang akan menyimpulkan bahwa ia pasti payah dalam menjalani kehidupannya. Namun dari penuturan dan dari penjelasan- penjelasannya seputar kisah hidupnya yang dikemas dalam bentuk film, ibu ini ternyata dapat menjalani kehidupan yang normal. Ia dapat berkarier dengan baik, menjadi isteri dan ibu yang baik.
Pertanyaanya adalah apa yang dapat membuatnya dapat hidup sebagaimana layaknya manusia normal? Dari hasil penjelasan ibu ini, saya menemukan bahwa kasih yang nyata dalam tindakan yang diberikan oleh ibu dan suaminya memampukannya untuk melakukan segala hal yang positif sebagaimana layaknya manusia normal.
Blog ini berisi artikel tentang Pengalamanku berkendara dengan pulsar 180 dtsi, juga dengan motor lain Kesehatan,dan hal praktis di sekitar kita
Rabu, 23 April 2008
On 14th February 2008 before many people celebrate the day of affection or the known as Valentine's Day. Many people celebrate this day the right way, like sharing the love with those poor people, spoke words of love to the couple illegitimate, and many other positive ways that do to express love and affection to this fellow.
In addition to the disclosure of the correct way, there are also several groups of our society translated it with the wrong way. For example, on the 14th, at the Warta Kota daily reported on page 1, column 1-3 "STUDENTS DEGREE SEX PARTY." In the proclamation, the perpetrators also had a party of sex and marijuana at a house in Palmerah, West Jakarta. One more example, Ariel Peter Pan, based on reports from tabloit Genie states: "on February 14, 2008 revealed the divorce with a woman who has been his wife." Should this happen in human life, where love and acceptance for others and also the couple is seen upside down? Why Moment days affection that should be addressed in a positive way and build instead be addressed in ways that distort the true meaning of love?
This question needs to be studied from several sides in order to find factors causing differences in attitude on the day of affection such moments.
I. Viewed from the side of science and knowledge and technology.
God created human beings as creatures who have the awareness. This realization pushed into creatures that could think, wills, and feels. With the human mind to explore the existing capabilities within him, and get the science and knowledge. With human free will can direct the behavior, and with human feelings and can feel happy or sad..In essence, humans can also be viewed as people who have potential. Therefore, humans tend to make a change. Widyosiswoyo opinion: "What was created by people at a time is a feeling, and intention before. Perhaps what is created at that time satisfactory to him. If not satisfactory for the time, diperbaikinya to obtain satisfaction." [1] Thus, the human civilization on earth has always experienced change over time. It is increasingly clear when humans enter into Renaisance era. This era is known as the era of enlightenment, and began in Europe in the XVII century. The movement focuses on the truths of science and intellect, the truth based on facts and laws of nature. [2] Immanuel Kant provides the theme for the century that is "Dare To Know," [3] and Newbigin describes the theme as "a call to take possession courage to think for himself, to test everything in the light of reason and conscience, even daring to ask about the traditions of the holiest. "[4]
After these times, dihasilkanlah scientific discoveries include: the science of oceans and continents, drugs, the means of communication such as telegrams, telephone, printing machines, electric generators and transformers, steam ships, trains, computers, aircraft, and many other inventions.Rapid development in the world of science and technology began to impact on human thinking patterns. What we rarely hear first place in our society (Indonesia), into a single menu on general news and often we listen to nowadays. For example: previously in our society are generally known to one of polite culture and taboos. But since the introduction of various tools produced since the days of the Renaisance, this culture began to erode. Children are the more insolent towards his parents. Conversely parents pengayom formerly known as role models and providers of children, many now turned into a giving examples of moral damage.News in the media about how science has produced many changes in the lives of our society. Changes would include all aspects of life. But whether we will become beings who blame the era?
As a living creature that has all the advantages or who in terms of human knowledge known as the creation of high-level, human beings have a responsibility towards the environment, including to each other. Responsibility that there are two, namely social responsibility, and moral responsibility.Human Beings who have social responsibilities, required him accountable to his fellow man, and to the environment. So whatever the decision, and the results generated in the process of social interaction must be accounted for.Human beings have a moral responsibility requires it to be responsible to the Lord. This responsibility should we give as long as we exist on this earth, and ultimately accountable to us in our times has been called to the conservation of nature according to His justice.Utilization of science and technology, and our results can be sikapi with and use the correct way if we look at it with the correct perspective. This term, in a world leadership in call paradimship. Authors membahasakannya as lenses. If we as a people who have a minus eyes, we should all wear spectacles min the right size, then we can see the object clearly. And it should not be viewed only from one side only, but must be intact. Thus, we can obtain a clear picture of the object. So also with affection.Many people living in this modern age, which is identical with science and technology to misinterpret the meaning of compassion. This is because they have only a superficial description of these affections.
II. Viewed from the side of the Bible.
In one moment, John 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you love one another Also. (New American Standard Bible).Jesus commanded His disciples that they love each other. If we see this command only on the phrase "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another," we might be confused. Because in general, people are familiar with these terms. Many people use it in the process of interaction with each other. Even many people use the term "love" for the purpose of manipulating others.
At that time Jesus said command "that you love one another," Jesus commanded that disciples do love action with a higher standard than that used human standards in general. These words in the original "agapate" is the word "active present subjunctive verb 2nd person plural" of the word "agapao .." This word means [5] to love, to love to have fun: God Jn 3: 16, Jesus Mark 10: 21, and to those 2 Cor 12: 15. shows the best attention to or from a model containing myang life Christian values Jn 21: 15-17. Prove or to show love for John 13:1; 1 Jn 3: 18.
Thayer defines the word "love" is Juka in connecting with someone then he became a person who openly accept the people ("), to show, with great love to, love / love greatly.See definition above, it is clear that to love someone like that is meant by Jesus in this context is a form of love and affection which is very deep and pure. Love that is so this must be addressed in a positive way, and followed up with proper measures. According to the authors, in this stage, none of us as human beings are willing to give love and pure love that way. Moreover because of the existence of our whole life has been poisoned by sin. More or less, we want to apply it sat on, we are influenced by the sinful thought patterns that, it means we can not apply it perfectly just by relying on the strength of our flesh.In the text that the writer quoted earlier, Jesus continues His periintah: "even as I have loved you, that you love one another Also." At the time we want to express our love to those around us, to parents, to the opposite sex, to our spouses, whether we have understood these words of Jesus? "Even as I have loved you, that you love one another Also."
In this advanced text, the word "LOVE" that Jesus gave was the same word with the word he used on his son before the command line. In this advanced text, Jesus reminds his disciples about his love for Jesus practiced it in their togetherness all these years. We need to know, that these students come from diverse backgrounds, attitudes, and temperaments are different. This means that they were equal to us in general, also have weaknesses here and there. But Jesus was full of love does not require students to love Him first, then HE loves them. Not so there! Jesus loves them very, and with the power of His love which is in that students may opt out of the weaknesses that.
From this text, the authors get the rhema, that the absolute requirement to be able to practice love someone properly, so he must first experience the love of Jesus. He should be well aware of how the love of Jesus to him. He must allow the love of Jesus really destroy ego enthroned in his heart, and let his love of Jesus with a sincere meet, organize, and enable him to apply that love in his life.May the love of agave, genuine love and unconditional it will help every reader to be able to experience life in the love of the truth, so that the people of God, Christian families, the church of God, our nation and restored God, and filled with LOVE which continues to flow from HOLY THRONE LORD.
[1] Supartono Widyosiswoyo, Sejarah Kebudayaan Indonesia, (Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Trisakti, 2000), p. 23.
[2] Halim Makmur, Gereja Ditengah-tengah Perubahan Dunia. (Malang: Yayasan Penerbit Gandum Mas, 2000), p.183.
[3] Leslie Newbigin, Injil Dalam Masyarakat Majemuk, (Jakarta: PT. BPK Gunung Mulia, 1993), p. 56.
[4] Ibid.
[5] agapao [GING]
In addition to the disclosure of the correct way, there are also several groups of our society translated it with the wrong way. For example, on the 14th, at the Warta Kota daily reported on page 1, column 1-3 "STUDENTS DEGREE SEX PARTY." In the proclamation, the perpetrators also had a party of sex and marijuana at a house in Palmerah, West Jakarta. One more example, Ariel Peter Pan, based on reports from tabloit Genie states: "on February 14, 2008 revealed the divorce with a woman who has been his wife." Should this happen in human life, where love and acceptance for others and also the couple is seen upside down? Why Moment days affection that should be addressed in a positive way and build instead be addressed in ways that distort the true meaning of love?
This question needs to be studied from several sides in order to find factors causing differences in attitude on the day of affection such moments.
I. Viewed from the side of science and knowledge and technology.
God created human beings as creatures who have the awareness. This realization pushed into creatures that could think, wills, and feels. With the human mind to explore the existing capabilities within him, and get the science and knowledge. With human free will can direct the behavior, and with human feelings and can feel happy or sad..In essence, humans can also be viewed as people who have potential. Therefore, humans tend to make a change. Widyosiswoyo opinion: "What was created by people at a time is a feeling, and intention before. Perhaps what is created at that time satisfactory to him. If not satisfactory for the time, diperbaikinya to obtain satisfaction." [1] Thus, the human civilization on earth has always experienced change over time. It is increasingly clear when humans enter into Renaisance era. This era is known as the era of enlightenment, and began in Europe in the XVII century. The movement focuses on the truths of science and intellect, the truth based on facts and laws of nature. [2] Immanuel Kant provides the theme for the century that is "Dare To Know," [3] and Newbigin describes the theme as "a call to take possession courage to think for himself, to test everything in the light of reason and conscience, even daring to ask about the traditions of the holiest. "[4]
After these times, dihasilkanlah scientific discoveries include: the science of oceans and continents, drugs, the means of communication such as telegrams, telephone, printing machines, electric generators and transformers, steam ships, trains, computers, aircraft, and many other inventions.Rapid development in the world of science and technology began to impact on human thinking patterns. What we rarely hear first place in our society (Indonesia), into a single menu on general news and often we listen to nowadays. For example: previously in our society are generally known to one of polite culture and taboos. But since the introduction of various tools produced since the days of the Renaisance, this culture began to erode. Children are the more insolent towards his parents. Conversely parents pengayom formerly known as role models and providers of children, many now turned into a giving examples of moral damage.News in the media about how science has produced many changes in the lives of our society. Changes would include all aspects of life. But whether we will become beings who blame the era?
As a living creature that has all the advantages or who in terms of human knowledge known as the creation of high-level, human beings have a responsibility towards the environment, including to each other. Responsibility that there are two, namely social responsibility, and moral responsibility.Human Beings who have social responsibilities, required him accountable to his fellow man, and to the environment. So whatever the decision, and the results generated in the process of social interaction must be accounted for.Human beings have a moral responsibility requires it to be responsible to the Lord. This responsibility should we give as long as we exist on this earth, and ultimately accountable to us in our times has been called to the conservation of nature according to His justice.Utilization of science and technology, and our results can be sikapi with and use the correct way if we look at it with the correct perspective. This term, in a world leadership in call paradimship. Authors membahasakannya as lenses. If we as a people who have a minus eyes, we should all wear spectacles min the right size, then we can see the object clearly. And it should not be viewed only from one side only, but must be intact. Thus, we can obtain a clear picture of the object. So also with affection.Many people living in this modern age, which is identical with science and technology to misinterpret the meaning of compassion. This is because they have only a superficial description of these affections.
II. Viewed from the side of the Bible.
In one moment, John 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you love one another Also. (New American Standard Bible).Jesus commanded His disciples that they love each other. If we see this command only on the phrase "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another," we might be confused. Because in general, people are familiar with these terms. Many people use it in the process of interaction with each other. Even many people use the term "love" for the purpose of manipulating others.
At that time Jesus said command "that you love one another," Jesus commanded that disciples do love action with a higher standard than that used human standards in general. These words in the original "agapate" is the word "active present subjunctive verb 2nd person plural" of the word "agapao .." This word means [5] to love, to love to have fun: God Jn 3: 16, Jesus Mark 10: 21, and to those 2 Cor 12: 15. shows the best attention to or from a model containing myang life Christian values Jn 21: 15-17. Prove or to show love for John 13:1; 1 Jn 3: 18.
Thayer defines the word "love" is Juka in connecting with someone then he became a person who openly accept the people ("), to show, with great love to, love / love greatly.See definition above, it is clear that to love someone like that is meant by Jesus in this context is a form of love and affection which is very deep and pure. Love that is so this must be addressed in a positive way, and followed up with proper measures. According to the authors, in this stage, none of us as human beings are willing to give love and pure love that way. Moreover because of the existence of our whole life has been poisoned by sin. More or less, we want to apply it sat on, we are influenced by the sinful thought patterns that, it means we can not apply it perfectly just by relying on the strength of our flesh.In the text that the writer quoted earlier, Jesus continues His periintah: "even as I have loved you, that you love one another Also." At the time we want to express our love to those around us, to parents, to the opposite sex, to our spouses, whether we have understood these words of Jesus? "Even as I have loved you, that you love one another Also."
In this advanced text, the word "LOVE" that Jesus gave was the same word with the word he used on his son before the command line. In this advanced text, Jesus reminds his disciples about his love for Jesus practiced it in their togetherness all these years. We need to know, that these students come from diverse backgrounds, attitudes, and temperaments are different. This means that they were equal to us in general, also have weaknesses here and there. But Jesus was full of love does not require students to love Him first, then HE loves them. Not so there! Jesus loves them very, and with the power of His love which is in that students may opt out of the weaknesses that.
From this text, the authors get the rhema, that the absolute requirement to be able to practice love someone properly, so he must first experience the love of Jesus. He should be well aware of how the love of Jesus to him. He must allow the love of Jesus really destroy ego enthroned in his heart, and let his love of Jesus with a sincere meet, organize, and enable him to apply that love in his life.May the love of agave, genuine love and unconditional it will help every reader to be able to experience life in the love of the truth, so that the people of God, Christian families, the church of God, our nation and restored God, and filled with LOVE which continues to flow from HOLY THRONE LORD.
[1] Supartono Widyosiswoyo, Sejarah Kebudayaan Indonesia, (Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Trisakti, 2000), p. 23.
[2] Halim Makmur, Gereja Ditengah-tengah Perubahan Dunia. (Malang: Yayasan Penerbit Gandum Mas, 2000), p.183.
[3] Leslie Newbigin, Injil Dalam Masyarakat Majemuk, (Jakarta: PT. BPK Gunung Mulia, 1993), p. 56.
[4] Ibid.
[5] agapao [GING]
1 Korintus 11: 1"Jadilah pengikutku, sama seperti aku juga menjadi pengikut Kristus."
Terdapatlah satu kisah tentang seorang raja yang telah tua mencari raja muda yang akan menggantikannya. Dalam pencarian tersebut, raja tua ini menggunakan cara unik yaitu dengan mengumpulkan orang-orang muda dari seluruh negerinya, dan kemudian memberikan kepada setiap orang muda tersebut benih yang telah mati. Raja berpesan keada mereka sbb: "Anak-anakku sekalian, aku akan memilih penggantiku dari antara kalian. Benih yang sudah kalian terima akan menentukan masa depan kalian. Sekarang pulanglah, semaikanlah benih tersebut. Tahun depan, kembalilah ke sini dan tunjukkan hasilnya."
Setelah tiba waktu yang ditentukan oleh raja, orang-orang muda itu pun kembali menghadap raja sambil membawa hasil dari benih yang diberikan oleh raja kepada mereka masing-masing. Salah seorang dari mereka bernama Joni, ia datang dengan pot yang kosong. Kedatangannya disambut dengan cemoohan dari orang-orang muda lainnya. Namun berbeda dengan raja tua yang melihat kedatangan Joni. Sang Raja membungkuk memberi hormat kepada Joni seraya berkata, "Setahun yang lalu saya memberi kalian masing-masing sebutir benih kering yang sama sekali takkan bisa tumbuh. Kini berbagai jenis tanaman berkumpul di sini. Di antara kalian hanya Joni satu-satunya yang dengan jujur berani membawa potnya yang kosong dan siap menerima cemooh dan celaan. Integritas semacam inilah yang menunjukkan kemuliaan hati seseorang."
Bapak Manasye Rumkeny seorang pengajar kepemimpinan mengutip dari kamus Bahasa Indonesia karya Purwadarminta, Integritas adalah kejujuran, dan dalam bahasa Inggris disebut sebagai "honesty" yang artinya mengarah kepada mutu dari kejujuran itu sendiri. Alkitab banyak sekali menekankan agar kehidupan orang Kristen menjadi kehidupan yang berintegritas. Inilah kunci menjadi seorang kristen yang dapat memimpin orang lain kepada Yesus. Paulus memberikan cara terbaik untuk memiliki Integritas diri yang bermutu, yaitu dengan mengimitasikan hidup Yesus, dan Yesus berkata: "Jika ya, hendaklah kamu katakan : ya, jika tidak, hendaklah kamu katakan tidak. Apa yang lebih dari pada itu berasal dari si jahat (Matius 5: 37)."
1 Korintus 11: 1"Jadilah pengikutku, sama seperti aku juga menjadi pengikut Kristus."
Tiada yang mustahil

Pertanyaannya adalah : bagaimana kesanggupan Allah yang mampu mengalahkan kemustahilan dapat kita lihat dan dapat kita alami sebagai satu bukti nyata?
Kalau kita melihat kepada nats kita Lukas 1 perihal percakapan Malaikat Gabriel dengan Maria, saya menemuka bahwa Maria sanggup mewujudkan kesanggupan kuasa Allah mengalakan kemustahilan itu menjadi satu pengalaman nyata.
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