Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

The effective prayer

John 14: 12-14, Matthew 11: 25-30; 21: 21-22

Richard F. Ames  in his writing titled "Keys to Effective Prayer" put forward the facts found by  Barna Research poll: "More than four out of five [U.S.] adults (82%) pray during a typical week." That may sound impressive, but how many pray every day? Remember that in the "outline prayer," Jesus taught us to pray
daily (Matthew 6:11).

     Does prayer actually change things? According to Barna Research, "Americans believe in the power and impact of prayer. Four out of five (82%) believe that ‘prayer can change what happens in a person’s life.’ (1994)." Do you personally believe that? (quoted from http://www.tomorrowsworld.org/cgi-bin/tw/tw-mag.cgi?category=Magazine25&item=1104179053).

What is the effectif prayer? The effectif prayer is not prayer that the Lord answered instantly. There’s no “magic formula” that will cause a prayer to be answered in the exact way you want, The Bible teaches how to keep our prayers become efective.

The Effective Prayer life is determined by: 

I. Recognition To the Lord (Matt. 11: 27)
How can we know God?- In the prayer Jesus clearly implied that we can know the truth of God personally through Jesus. 
 - He has traveled a path that is not human because of His love to mankind. 
 - Jesus in his humanity prostrate ourselves to the will of God the Father, so also should we in our every prayer. 

Our response to the call Of The Lord to Pray (Matt. 11: 28)."Come unto Me, all who pooped and heavy load, I will give relief to you." 
- God is calling each person who experienced fatigue in his spiritual life. 
- God promises that when we respond to his call, He will give relief to us. 
- Even as He will answer our prayers

III. How Intimate our relationship with God (Mathew 11: 28-30)
Jesus said at Mathew 11: 28-30 "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Thayer Thayer Defining "Come" as  
1) come hither, come here, come
2) interjection, come!, come now!

The point is, how we are respon for his calling. Jesus wants you and I responded it. He also wants you and I have an intimate relationship with him. He promised that if we responded to the call, He will give relief to us.

IV. Is How big is our Faith in God (John 14: 12)."Whoever believes in Me (John 14: 12), ... And whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer with full faith (Matt. 21: 21-22)"
  • Believe it comes from the Greek word "Pistis" which means: to respect the human relationship to God belief.
  • Believe it because it knows God's faithfulness to fulfill His promises to mankind

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