Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Who Am I?

(Psalm 139:1-18)
"Because you did not receive a spirit of slavery that makes you become scared again, but you have received the Spirit that makes you a child of God. By that Spirit we cry:" Abba, Father!" (Romans 8:15)

A mother, with feelings and how could destroy his own heart through the words of insult and invective that he was saying because only the children make mistakes unintentionally. Often this little girl, just because he dropped the pot or glass lid, faced with the anger her mother, who then insults him by saying that he existed, ah illegitimate, the ank despicable, stupid ank, and naughty children who only became bebab for parents. These words are often said to his mother and eventually the little girl grew into a teenager who is full of guilt, burden, and low self-esteem.However, in the struggle to find his true identity, he found Jesus who would accept him as is. He knew that he was an illegitimate child, but she knew that GOD was menenenun him since the womb. He knows that he is a despicable child, but for the Lord he is masterpiece. He knows he bahhwa adalh a silly and sometimes do things wrong, but he also knows that he created in the image and likeness of God Himself and that God had to delete and forget all the mistakes. God died for him, God menggedong him and loved him.The girl was now possess a beautiful self-image since he accepted Jesus as his personal savior. For himself, he is a new creation, has been reborn. Her mother remains as before, insulting him and harassing him, but he knows that it's all past and have no relationship with him now. Now he is a child of God, daughter of the kingdom, and the fact it has changed the world. Like her, you are also very valuable in the eyes of God! Did you know that?

quoted from e-mail that was posted by a ping-ping into my facebook on July 4 at 6:13 pm

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