Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

Checking BCU of Pulzar 180 DTSi

BCU of Bajaj Pulzar 180DTS-i
Every rider hoping his motorcycle is good condition. But the fact remains that no matter what type of bike, there must be the problem. Bajaj Pulsar 180 dts-i really interesting. If the review in terms of technology, virtually that this bike is no less than its competitors from Japan. This motor has many advantages, including the use of the BCU. At first glance many people will be amazed with the use of these components. Because this is a common component used in the latest four-wheeled vehicles. But it turns out the advantages of this motor is often a factor that dizzying users. Please look this passage:

    aah agan tau aja.. ane dulu kan ngojek gan
    maksud ane lampunya tu g pernah bener2 idup. sering mati..  mood2n
    kadang idup kadang mati
    lebih parah kalau malam.. ane g tau lari berapa tu motor

Rumangsang kaskuser  give his response :
    "ane pernah kyk gt gan,,d cek sikringny msh bagus,,pas ke BERES d periksa eh ga tau nya BCU kena. msti di ganti ktnya.tau ndiri harganya brp.ane coba ke BERES yg lain,,sama ktnya BCU nya kena,,tp d BERES yg satunya mekaniknya bisa ngebenerin BCU ga perlu ganti. minta 150,,ane nego jd cepek.skrng dah ga ada mslh lgi tuh...malahan dy nawarin wat lepas BCU tp ane ga berani"
Many users of Bajaj Pulsar confusion with the problems associated with his vehicle. In principle, as stated by the adage: "people who are not experts always blame their tools." I adopted this phrase is not to say that I am smarter than you. Not so. But I had never been in that position. The second fact is that not all pulsars authorized repair shop technicians want to be bothered. So lightly he advised the user to replace the BCU. Death of electricity Bajaj Pulsar 180 DTS-i or 200 does not mean that the BCU was damaged. Hence, I would like to share this experience how to test the BCU Pulsar.

Where is Location of BCU Pulsar can we find?
For us laymen, it would be the location of BCU?  BCU ("Body Control Unit") is placed inside the headlamp shell. Consider the following picture which I quoted from an article written by Indraekamala in Automotive with the title: "Replace Headlights Pulsar 200" on January 31, 2011. for more details read onhttp://indraekamaula.wordpress.com/2011/01/31/ganti-lampu-depan-pulsar-200/
BCU Location in Head lamp Shell

 BCU is placed in the shell Pulsar Headlights. Open the four bolts on top and two bolts on the side. then remove carefully.
BCU Unit
 What BCU functions, how the process works, and how the process of checking the BCU Pulzar 180 dts-i, see next dipostingan.

2 komentar:

Victory Air Conditioner mengatakan...

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Anonim mengatakan...

this bcu is my problem...Omg u$d 90 in my country...